Zarz±dzanie zmiana w obszarze baz danych

Change Manager pomaga administratorom baz danych i programistom upro¶ciæ i zautomatyzowaæ zarz±dzanie zmian± w systemach bazodanowych.

Change Manager™ - What's New in Change Manager 5.1

Data Auto-synchronization - Change Manager will automatically truncate the target data as data from the source is streamed to the target.

Data Masking - Shuffle or randomize columns to de-identify data. Read more about Change Manager’s data masking capabilities: Protecting Data Privacy in the Development Lifecycle.

Schema Auto-synchronization - Automatically synchronize the target to match the source once there is a successful comparison.

Cross-DBMS Schema Compare - Schema comparison and synchronization between Oracle <> SQL Server and Sybase ASE <> SQL Server

Job History - Track previous comparison runs and reload results to generate synchronization scripts and results

Full Unicode Support - Change Manager 5.1 provides full Unicode character support.

Enhanced project support - Users can group jobs and results into named groupings, each of which can be independently connected with source code control repositories via Eclipse plug-ins provided by third parties

New in 5.1.1 - InterBase 2007, 2009 and Firebird v1.5 and 2.0 Support