Heterogeniczne zarz±dzanie bazami danych

Embarcadero DBArtisan jest wiod±cym wieloplatformowym narzêdziem bazodanowym, które pomaga zmaksymalizowaæ dostêpno¶æ, wydajno¶æ i bezpieczeñstwo baz danych.

DBArtisan - What's new in DBArtisan XE2/9.0?

IBM DB2 LUW v9.7 Support

DBArtisan XE2/9.0 now provides support for IBM DB2 for Linux, Unix, and Windows v9.7. All current DBArtisan functionality is now available on this platform version.

SQL Server Feature Support

  • Synonym Support
  • Fixed Server Role LOGIN Member Assignment
  • Table and Indexing Partitioning
  • Full-text Search Support
  • DDL Triggers

Oracle Feature Support

  • ASM Disk Group Support
  • DBMS_STATS Support
  • Virtual Columns
  • Unusable Index Partition Visibility
  • Temporary Tablespace Group Support
  • Invisible Indexes
  • Read-Only Table Support
  • Online Reorganinze Tables Option
  • Recycle Bin Support
  • Flashback Table Action Support

Sybase Feature Support

  • Login Trigger Support
  • Support for sp_hidetext
  • INSTEAD OF Triggers
  • User-defined Functions
  • Data Cache Partitions Support
  • Data Cache Object Binding Support

DB2 z/OS Feature Support

  • Additional Status/Performance Information

Datasource/Server Updates

  • JDBC Driver Updates
  • Current Session Role Activation

Unicode Updates

  • Improved encoding detection and options when saving and opening files
  • Additional UTF-8, UTF-16, and UTF-32 encodings with BOM and endian variations are now available
  • Handling of surrogate paris and characters made up of multiple unicode (LTR scripts only) have been brought in line with Windows Vista and WIndow 7 support

SQL Editor

  • Query Options supporting Sybase Set Option Text format messages

Performance Analyst Updates

  • Availability of "sp_sysmon noclear" option against Sybase Datasources.