Modelowanie procesów oraz modele koncepcyjne

EA/Studio pozwala na stworzenie graficznej reprezentacji dzia³añ biznesowych zaczynaj±c od g³ównych pomys³ów (koncepcji)opisuj±cych dzia³ania biznesowe, a koñcz±c na szczegó³owych procesach opisuj±cych zasady jego funkcjonowania

EA/Studio - Frequently Asked Questions

How does EA/Studio work with ER/Studio?

EA/Studio offers an import/export bridge to ER/Studio, allowing you to import data models into EA/Studio. You can then create relationships between the entities and attributes from your data model and EA/Studio business processes, business units, and stewards. You can also export conceptual data models created in EA/Studio to ER/Studio as the foundation for logical and physical models.

What is the BPMN standard?

The Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) is an open standard developed by the Object Management Group (OMG) as a graphical notation to depict the steps in a business process. It is designed to be intuitive to the business community (using many common flowcharting shapes, for example), yet robust enough to allow for code generation (via BPEL, for example). EA/Studio provides full support for process modeling that adheres to the BPMN.

How does EA/Studio compare with a BPM Vendor or Suite like IDS Scheer, Pegasystems, Lombardi, etc.?

EA/Studio is a lightweight business modeling tool that addresses process modeling (BPA) and conceptual modeling and its relationship to data. The core of EA/Studio is in helping data modelers and business users communicate better. Focused BPM tools focus more on the execution, simulation, and metrics associated with business process management.

How does EA/Studio compare with EA vendors like Telelogic (Popkin) System Architect?

EA/Studio provides a focused subset of a full enterprise architecture, offering deep functionality in the data modeling, process modeling, and the interrelationships between process and data. EA vendors tend to have light coverage in a broader range of areas, including assets, network, etc. For customers focused on data and process, we offer an easier-to-use solution, with a lower price tag, and robust functionality in the area in which we choose to focus.

How does EA/Studio compare with a drawing tool like Visio?

In addition to diagramming capabilities, EA/Studio captures meta-data associated with business processes. This allows users the capability to model the relationships between business processes and data models, and to export information into a variety of formats, including HTML, .PDF, Excel, ER/Studio, etc.
