Heterogeniczne zarz±dzanie bazami danych

Embarcadero DBArtisan jest wiod±cym wieloplatformowym narzêdziem bazodanowym, które pomaga zmaksymalizowaæ dostêpno¶æ, wydajno¶æ i bezpieczeñstwo baz danych.

DBArtisan - What's new in DBArtisan 8.7

Unicode Support

DBArtisan 8.7 now includes Unicode character support throughout the application, allowing you to work with data in different languages and display the text correctly on screen.

Enhanced DB2 z/OS Support

DBArtisan 8.7 delivers many new features for z/OS administrators including: object filtering, extended alter in tables, data import and export, migration support, generation of LOAD utility control statements, plus many Version 8 and Version 9 specific improvements.

Enhanced ISQL Editor

The ISQL editor in DBArtisan 8.7 has been enhanced to meet the challenging needs of the DBA. The ISQL editor now supports “on-the-fly” syntax checking of both your code as well as the object names. To further reduce the possibility of keying errors, DBArtisan 8.7 introduces two other powerful functions; full object look-up throughout the SQL statement, and code complete. With code complete, DBArtisan will dynamically walk you through statements, prompting you with dropdowns, to ensure proper syntax is used.

New Filtering Capabilities

DBArtisan 8.7 delivers three new filtering capabilities most requested by our customers. Simple, name-based filtering lets you hide objects based on naming. When typing characters in the data source tree and object list filter boxes the list is updated to show only matching objects. Complex, user-defined object name filtering lets you create your own custom filters at the data source level. And node filtering is defined at the platform level. These filtering enhancements enable DBAs to better control the user interface and work more efficiently.

Data source Explorer Updates

The tree display for the data source Explorer and related functionality has been reworked for DBArtisan 8.7. Connecting has been simplified, tree organization better reflects ownership and containment, and more right-click object actions are available directly from the tree.

Enhanced User Interface

DBArtisan 8.7 continues the ongoing efforts to standardize object editors and wizards to improve workflow and the user interface experience.

Data Editor

Improvements to the data editor include simplifying record creation and default value handling to quickly add multiple records