Heterogeniczne zarz±dzanie bazami danych

Embarcadero DBArtisan jest wiod±cym wieloplatformowym narzêdziem bazodanowym, które pomaga zmaksymalizowaæ dostêpno¶æ, wydajno¶æ i bezpieczeñstwo baz danych.

DBArtisan - Features and Benefits

Heterogeneous DBMS Support In A Single Tool

  • Utilities and wizards for all common and repetitive administration tasks
  • Supports IBM DB2® for LUW, z/OS® and OS/390, Microsoft® SQL Server, MySQL®, Oracle® and Sybase®

Schema Management

  • Platform- and version-specific graphical object editors and wizards for creating and editing a variety of database objects

Security Management

  • Comprehensive facilities for managing users within and across databases

Data Management

  • Power visual tools for creating and editing complex SQL statements, including insert statements, and server-side objects
  • ISQL facility for creating, saving and executing SQL statements against your database

Proactive Diagnostic and Management Tools

  • Embarcadero Space Analyst: storage/object diagnostic tool combined with powerful reorg job wizard
  • Embarcadero Capacity Analyst: storage and object growth tracking facility for pro-active planning and problem prevention
  • Embarcadero Performance Analyst: client side visual database monitor that pinpoints problems that threaten availability

Powerful Back-up and Recovery

  • Engine for back-up and recovery that significantly reduces storage requirements (SQL-Server) and speed-up the task

Embarcadero ToolCloud

  • Centralized license management and tool deployment

Embarcadero InstantOn

  • Run tools without installation on local machine, run multiple versions without conflicts

Easy upgrade path to Embarcadero All-Access

  • Customers who currently own DBArtisan licenses can easily trade-up to Embarcadero All-Access with a no-penalty upgrade option.