Heterogeniczne zarz±dzanie bazami danych

Embarcadero DBArtisan jest wiod±cym wieloplatformowym narzêdziem bazodanowym, które pomaga zmaksymalizowaæ dostêpno¶æ, wydajno¶æ i bezpieczeñstwo baz danych.

DBArtisan - Why DBArtisan

Simplify and automate database administration

Despite the promises of self-tuning and self-monitoring databases, database administrators (DBAs) still find themselves patching up existing infrastructure instead of working on programs that drive the business forward. Heterogeneous database environments exacerbate this problem, and tedious, repetitive tasks increase chance for error and consume too much time. Adding to the pressure, business requirements demand performance and 100% availability, sometimes pushing DBAs into a 24x7 firefighting role.

Embarcadero DBArtisan is an intuitive and easy to use tool that helps automate routine tasks to save valuable time while improving database performance and availability. Comprehensive graphical editors and wizards boost productivity, streamline routine tasks and reduce errors so you can manage larger, more complex databases in less time and with less effort.

Manage complex environments with multiple DBMS platforms - from a single interface

DBArtisan offers true cross-DBMS support from a single application so an Oracle DBA can administer a SQL Server, Sybase or DB2 just as proficiently as he or she can their own Oracle environment. How? Although fundamental principles remain the same, there are significant differences between how the same tasks are carried out across different databases or even different versions of the same database using vendor tools. DBArtisan equalizes the environment and offers a single, consistent interface for routine tasks such as script execution, managing schema and data dictionary changes and writing SQL code from a single window. But DBArtisan is not limited to routine tasks. DBArtisan can debug, monitor database performance, manage storage, provide capacity planning, and much more! Try it free today.

Manage DB2, Oracle, SQL Server and Sybase from a single interface.

Improve security and easily provision user access across your environment

A key component to preventing a data breach is to control access to databases. Complex environments with databases physically located all over the world, multiple database platforms, and incomplete or hard-to-use native tools make the process of creating user accounts, roles and permissions, as well as removing them, extremely difficult to manage. DBArtisan lets you administer large numbers of databases and database platforms from a single console. The consistent, easy-to-use interface ensures access can easily be granted and revoked on a timely basis throughout your environment. DBAs can manage users, roles, permissions, and passwords, lock down inactive and terminated employee accounts, remove unnecessary components, and monitor for use of shared accounts and terminate sessions using those accounts.

Quickly address performance issues before they impact availability and response time

Protecting database performance and availability is vital to the success of any organization – and the role of the DBA. Determining the performance bottlenecks in your database is often a time consuming process. Embarcadero Performance Analyst takes the guesswork out of performance management and helps quickly resolve performance problems. Intelligent and detailed diagnostic information quickly pinpoints the cause of any episode of performance degradation.

Real-time metrics quickly identify database performance problems

Looking for a 24x7 database monitoring solution? Check out Embarcadero Performance Center.

Make smart, informed decisions about data growth

With tight budgets, organizations can't throw more hardware at a problem. To successfully plan for the future, DBAs needs insight into the past and present usage of key databases. Collecting and analyzing this data is normally a laborious and time-consuming process. Embarcadero Capacity Analyst eases this burden with powerful features that make it easy to collect all the data that's necessary for smart database analysis. It provides historical trend analysis along with smart forecasting abilities that allow you to accurately plan for future needs.

Proactively detect, diagnose and correct storage-related performance problems

Managing space is vital to ensuring the availability and performance of your databases. Because space management plays such a key role in a database's uptime and overall performance, it is important that you understand the various types of space bottlenecks that can occur in a database. Embarcadero Space Analyst proactively detects, diagnoses, and helps correct all types of storage problems. Space Analyst automates all diagnostic and correction procedures so any space-related problem can be quickly detected and corrected before it reaches critical mass.

Proactively detect, diagnose, and correct storage problems

Get a backup plan

There is perhaps no greater responsibility for the database administrator than establishing proper backup and recovery plans. But larger databases, shortening backup windows and security concerns make the job of backup and recovery management more complex than ever for today's SQL Server DBA. Embarcadero Backup Analyst offers a high performance backup and recovery engine with powerful compression capabilities reduces backup storage requirements by up to 80-90% in many cases. Built-in encryption features offer extra protection for sensitive database backups. Backup Analyst and DBArtisan is the only choice for serious SQL Server DBAs who need an enterprise solution for their growing backup and recovery needs.